Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday Thoughts

Hi friends, I am feeling better today, thank god !!!!! I felt really crappy yesterday but I did discover a headache cure that I read about but thought was hype.I drank two glasses of orange gatorade back to back and like in a few minutes the horrible headache I had was gone.I was stunned !!!!!!!!! The aspirin I took at work did'nt work at all , but I came home feeling sick and cured myself.Ok now I am a Gatorade believer, lol.Of course I had a nice conversation with a friend last night too before he went to watch Lost, maybe that helped a little too.Lately it seems like there are'nt as many people who are reading my journal and it makes me a little sad.Yeah I know the lay-out of it is boring and I do'nt know how to post pictures or add graphics or my journal would be totally awesome !!!!!!!!!! I probably wo'nt be online tonight because Survivor and CSI are on, but hope you all have a good Friday, Love You All Lisa XO


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWW,  I am here...  I still can't believe the thing with the gatorade, but hey, if you say it works, I will talk your word for it....{{{{smile}}}}
I have to go to class tonight, but will be on later if you want to chat...  I want to hear more about this friend  {{{{wink wink}}}}

Anonymous said...

Don't be sad beautiful.  If you really want to learn to do things on the computer get a friend that knows things and invite him or her over.  Or experiment . . .there are also lots of people that can help online too.  Have fun watching CSI . . .and you are nicer than Jorja!


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to read journals and watch CSI at the same time.  It's almost impossible.  CSI is winning my attention.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I read your comment about the Gatorade and I have been drinking it like crazy! lol  It really does seem to help.  Thanks.  I'm glad you're feeling better too.  BIg hugs and GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

i have a headache and no Gatorade. I had a headache yesterday too. I hope CSI made you feel better!
LOve, lisa

Anonymous said...

gatorade huh??
when i have headaches tony always tells me to drink...dehydrated maybe?
i dont know.
glad it worked though! :)
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

gatorade huh??
when i have headaches tony always tells me to drink...dehydrated maybe?
i dont know.
glad it worked though! :)
<3, emily