Wednesday, June 7, 2006


hi friends, hope you all had a good day today.I closed tonight at my store so that was'nt too bad.I went back to Bath and Body Works before I started work and bought a couple of Clover and Aloe shower gels .Somehow that three dollar shower gel sale is way too tempting for me to resist.Anthony was off tonight, I missed him as the store was'nt really all that busy tonight.I am off tommorow so that's good because it's CSI night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ca'nt wait to go to Las Vegas in July because I found out there is a CBS store inside of the MGM hotel in Vegas and they sell CSI stuff !!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was way excited !!!!!!!!! Hope you all have a good Thursday, I know I will.Love You All Lisa


Anonymous said...

Hope yo have a good Thursday.

Anonymous said...

I can just see you at that store in Vegas. If i went to Vegas, i would want to see a nude porn show, all men. LOL