Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Happy 4'th Everyone

hi friends.I just got home from work.I am exhausted !!!!!!!!!!! It was so busy today !!!!! It always seems like the most annoying customers in the store want to hang out at my register and not leave.I always ask Why me? Like this one lady was really trying my patience.She had done an exchange and gotten this little wooden boat and then she proceeded to put it together at my register holding up my line.I asked her if she could please assemble it at one of empty registers instead of mine.The whole day was frustrating to say the least but Mr Handsome was there to make my day better with his beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile !!!!!!!!! My eye is better today, thank god !!!!!!! I was worried yesterday about it.I was wrong about Mz Bitch's aka Cheryl's first day back.It's actually tommorow .Damn why do I have to be there ? Fuck it's been nice having her gone.Nice and peaceful I might add.No drama, no bad moods.I think Cheryl needs to chill out majorly.Well we have a new little freezer in the store that sells cold drinks now.Maybe she outta stick her head in there and cool off for a few hours, lol.Love You All Lisa, Enjoy the fireworks tonight !!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you get some rest tonight....dont worry about Cheryl. Just smile and keep on doing your good work!